Pavement Maintenance

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Measure A

Building Our Transportation Future

Your Transportation Dollars at Work

The City of Elk Grove is responsible for the maintenance of nearly 1,175 lane miles of roadway with over 90 million square feet of pavement. The goal of the Pavement Management Program is to maintain the city's pavement in the best condition possible given the funding available. Each year, preventive maintenance treatments are performed on various City streets. These treatment projects are intended to extend the life of the pavement and avoid more costly repair or replacement of streets.

Road reconstruction is only considered when preventive maintenance treatments are no longer cost-effective or feasible. In this case, several more days are required in order to resurface the road and or replace the entire roadway structural section. The cost of reconstructing a street can exceed ten times the cost of performing a preventative maintenance treatment.


The city uses StreetSaver® a Pavement Management Software, to monitor pavement conditions, help prioritize streets requiring resurfacing, and estimate costs of treatments and rehabilitation. StreetSaver®uses Pavement Condition Index (PCI) to classify roads based on their condition. The PCI scale rate all streets from 0 to 100 (poor to excellent condition), depending on severity of pavement distress. Currently the City of Elk Grove's PCI average is 75, which is considered very good. PCI values are one of the many factors used by StreetSaver®to help identify the appropriate resurfacing treatment for a given road.

On the Grant Line Road Phase 2 Improvement Project (WTR002) the City of Elk Grove placed 103,278 tons of Rubber Asphalt Concrete pavement thus diverting 16,820 tires from the landfill. The work extended from Waterman Road to Bradshaw Road and was completed in November 2021.

On the Bond Road Median Improvements Project (WTC015) the City of Elk Grove placed 44,111 square yards of Rubber Chip Seal thus diverting 3,235 waste tires from the landfill. The work extended from E. Stockton Boulevard to Elk Grove Florin Road and was completed during November 2020.

On the 2020 Pavement Slurry Seal and Resurfacing Project (WPR020), the City of Elk Grove placed 52,462 square yards of Rubber Chip Seal thus diverting 4,127 waste tires from the landfill. This work was performed on 24 residential and collector streets and completed during November 2020.

This work was funded by a grant from the State of California, Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle).

The City's Approach

Pavement Prevention

Though funding amounts vary each year, the City's "Fix-it-First" approach of performing mostly preventive maintenance has been proven to extend the life of pavements effectively and is less costly than reconstruction.

The City of Elk Grove is divided into 106 pavement management subzones. Preventive maintenance is typically performed to an entire subzone to maintain consistency of pavement conditions within neighborhoods and to limit the construction impact on residents. Reconstruction is performed where it is most needed and is too expensive to perform on a wide scale.

In order to maintain current PCI data, roads are inspected at varying intervals based on their type and traffic volume. Residential streets are inspected every 4 years. Arterial and Collector streets are inspected every 2 years due to higher traffic volumes.

The City's Capital Improvement Program contains a complete listing of the streets that are scheduled for pavement maintenance over the next 5 years. The lists are updated annually to account for changing conditions and priorities, but the City generally tries to keep the list the same.View the current 5-year street list and map.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my street receiving maintenance even though it looks fine visually?

Preventive maintenance is performed to streets in order to preserve the pavement before significant damage occurs.

Can I use my driveway while work is being performed?

Pavement resurfacing typically requires road closures, which restrict access to and from driveways until the resurfacing is ready for traffic. This is usually completed over a 4-8 hour period during the day. Residents will be notified in advance of any road closures. If you need to use your vehicle on the day resurfacing is scheduled on your street, you should park on an adjacent street not scheduled for resurfacing and walk to and from your home and vehicle. You may also coordinate with construction workers to determine an estimated time of when construction will take place across your property if you need to utilize your driveway beforehand. After the treatment is performed, the road cannot be used until the material has set.

How can residents help to ensure successful completion of maintenance?

Move parked vehicles from streets during "No Parking" times. Do not run sprinklers or wash vehicles on your property during the day of resurfacing. Drive at limited speeds on newly placed material to prevent loose gravel and chips from dislodging.

How do I report a pothole or other deformity on my street?

Work Completed

As resurfacing projects come to an end you can view sites completed at the links below:


If you have any questions regarding the Pavement Management Program please call the City's Public Works Operations & Maintenance Hotline (916) 687-3005.