Graffiti on Public Property

Graffiti on Public Property

Need to report existing graffiti? Submit your request online
To report graffiti vandalism in progress, please call 911

The City Operations and Maintenance Division is responsible for graffiti on all public properties.

The presence of graffiti is detrimental to property values, can adversely affects quality of life and community pride. When graffiti is allowed to remain, it invites yet more graffiti and may lead to an increase in vandalism and other criminal activity. Rapid removal is considered key to controlling and eradicating graffiti. Since graffiti tends to grow and proliferate if it is allowed to go unchecked, City staff monitor major commercial corridors throughout the City as well as likely target areas for graffiti. Residents are also very helpful in identifying graffiti in commercial and less-traveled areas.

We need your help!

Please help keep Elk Grove clean and beautiful by reporting graffiti as soon as you see it!


Contact the Operations and Maintenance Division

Report a Problem

EmailReport an issue online or (916) 687-3005