Coral Blossom Apartments

Project Description

The Coral Blossom Apartments Project ("Project") is the result of a settlement between the City and the Project developer in connection with the prior Oak Rose Apartments project proposed in Old Town Elk Grove. As part of the settlement, the Developer agreed to abandon the original Oak Rose Apartments project in favor of submitting a new and separate application for this Project at an alternative site.

The Project proposes to construct 81 affordable housing units ("Project") on a vacant parcel at 8484 Elk Grove-Florin Road. The Project would provide permanent supportive housing, as well as support services, for individuals experiencing homelessness.

The Project includes on-site office spaces to serve residents, located on the ground level, with residential units on three levels of a single building. The Project site is zoned RD-30 (30 dwelling units/acre) with a general plan designation of High Density Residential. The Project applicant has requested a "density bonus" pursuant to state law to increase the density above 65 units.  The Applicant is also requesting 4 incentives, concessions or waivers for reduction in the development standards related to setbacks and landscape buffers. 

A Project application was submitted and approved under Senate Bill 35 ("SB 35"), a recently enacted state law that limits the discretionary authority of City officials in considering or approving qualifying housing projects. Under SB 35, the City is limited to reviewing projects against objective standards, without application of personal or subjective judgment.

Project Status

August 13, 2024
Applicant can submit Building Permit Application and Plans to the Building Division for Review and Approval.
August 1, 2024
Approved Density Bonus with Reduced Parking and Concessions/Incentives and found the Project eligible for the SB 35 ministerial review process and Approved the Minor Design Review for Coral Blossom Apartments.
August 1, 2024
Planning Commission voted 5-0 to deny the appeal.
View Agenda, View Resolution
June 25, 2024
An Appeal received on the Zoning Administrator's approval.
June 17, 2024
Zoning Administrator Approves SB 35 Minor Design Review with Density Bonus with Reduce Parking and Concessions/Incentives.
View Resolution ZA-2024-06
March 29, 2024
SB 35 Application submitted to City/End of Tribal Consultation process.
February 29, 2024
Start of 30 day tribal consultation process.
February 26, 2024
A pre-application and partial plans were submitted by the developer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is California State Senate Bill 35 (SB 35)?
SB 35 went into effect on January 1, 2018, and it changed the local City review process for certain qualifying affordable housing development projects. SB 35 applies to California cities and counties where production of new housing has not met the state-mandated Regional Housing Need Allocation targets. All California cities are held to these targets, which can be difficult to meet. As such, cities and counties must use a streamlined, ministerial review process for qualifying multifamily residential projects.  The State of California Department of Housing and Community Development has determined that the provisions of SB 35 apply to the City of Elk Grove.  View a list of the jurisdictions statewide that are subject to SB 35 streamlining.
Which projects are eligible under SB 35?
Housing projects qualify for SB 35 if they satisfy several criteria, including:
  • Provide the specified number of affordable housing units, 
  • Comply with objective planning standards, 
  • Are in an urban area with 75% of the perimeter developed, 
  • Are on sites zoned or planned to allow residential use, 
  • Are not located in the coastal zone, agricultural land, wetlands, or fire hazard areas, 
  • And, pay prevailing wages (only for projects with 10 or more units).
What is a streamlined, ministerial review process?

Under SB 35, the City must review applications for qualifying housing developments within a statutory timeframe. The City must first determine if the project is eligible for streamlined approval. If the application is eligible for review under SB 35, the City must review the project within 90 days after an application submittal for projects of 150 or fewer units, or within 180 days for larger projects.

Ministerial review is based on compliance with set, objective standards and cannot involve subjective judgment. Qualifying projects are also not subject to environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act.

What are objective standards?

"Objective zoning standards" and "objective design review standards" involve no personal or subjective judgment by a public official and are uniformly verifiable by reference to an external and uniform benchmark or criterion available and knowable by both the development applicant or proponent and the public official prior to submittal. Examples of objective standards include, but are not limited to, building setbacks, building height, and parking requirements.

What are density bonuses, concessions and incentives, and waivers under State Housing Laws?

Under state law (Gov. Code, section 65915), qualifying affordable housing projects may seek a density bonus to increase the maximum allowed density for the housing project. A request for density bonus has been submitted by the Project applicant here to increase the density. The preliminary application states the Project will have 81 units. Under the same state law, a qualifying housing applicant may also seek concessions or incentives, or waivers relieving the Project applicant of certain development standards or regulations in order to encourage affordable housing units.

What is permanent supportive housing?

Permanent supportive housing is a model that combines housing, healthcare, and supportive services to help formerly homeless individuals lead more stable lives. Supportive housing has no limits on the length of stay, and it is typically linked to on-site and off-site services to assist the resident in retaining housing, improving their health status, and maximizing their ability to live and work in the community.

Supportive housing is intended as long-term housing. It is not a homeless shelter, not transitional housing, and not a residential treatment center.

What services are provided to residents of supportive housing?
Many services are provided both on-site and off-site in permanent supportive housing, which may include:
  • Individual case management 
  • Independent living and tenancy skills building 
  • Community-based health care 
  • Substance abuse and mental health treatment 
  • Employment training 
  • Streamlined benefits access 
  • Life skills education 
  • Psychiatric services and therapy 
  • Crisis intervention services
How long will people stay at a supportive housing development?

Regionally, permanent supportive housing projects have a 98% success rate at keeping people housed. The average length of stay is around nine years.

Is supportive housing a homeless shelter?

No. Permanent supportive housing is meant for long-term living. Tenants have leases, private kitchens and bathrooms, and an expectation that they can occupy the unit so long as they follow their lease terms. In contrast, homeless shelters are meant to be temporary. Most shelters provide overnight accommodations only, and those staying at the shelter often must leave during the day.

Why was this location chosen for the Project?

The location for the project is zoned for multi-family housing and is included in the City's Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) list identifying it as a planned location for affordable housing. Funding resources prioritize affordable housing be built in high opportunity areas (areas with characteristics that support positive economic, educational, and health outcomes for low-income households). This site is located near services and transit that would potentially support the needs of residents of the Project.

Will residents of the Project have leases? Can they be evicted?

As with market-rate apartments, residents living in permanent supportive housing complexes have leases. Any resident can be evicted for lease violations.

What would be valid grounds for eviction (e.g., loud parties, disturbing the peace, causing problems in the neighborhood)?

Leases are contracts that can vary by their terms. Many leases, however, including those for supportive housing, typically contain standard provisions that require residents to maintain respectful behavior on the property and toward neighbors. Any significant lease violation is usually grounds for eviction.

Do residents of supportive housing pay any rent or utilities?

Residents pay monthly rent and utilities. For supportive housing units, residents pay 30% of their income toward housing costs.

Will this Project draw additional people experiencing homelessness to Elk Grove?

It’s not likely. There is no shelter component to the property and there are no services except for residents of the property. The permanent supportive housing units are filled through a centralized process called coordinated entry. There would be no incentive for people experiencing homelessness to spend time around this property because it would not increase their chances of being housed at the property.

Is there a potential that some of the residents of this Project could have substance abuse and/or mental health issues?

It is likely that some of the residents will have substance abuse and/or mental health issues, just like many housed people. On-site case management is intended to help people experiencing these issues address them in a professional setting.

What percentage of residents are projected to have known mental illnesses?

The City can’t speculate on this. Permanent supportive housing residents must have a disabling condition such as a physical or mental disability. There is a wide range of disabling conditions and many of those are not mental health related.

Will this housing Project be providing the necessary substance abuse and mental health services to aid the residents of the complex?

Yes, the individualized case management is focused on helping people address substance abuse and mental health issues, among other services.

I am concerned about the safety of kids knowing that people with mental illness will be housed in the neighborhood.

The City cannot deny the Project based on the population that would be served. People with mental health issues live successfully in many settings. A full-time caseworker will be devoted to this Project and a key element of their work is facilitating access to mental health resources for those who need them. Residents with concerns about people actively experiencing a mental health crisis should contact the Police Department. The Police Department’s Mobile Crisis Support Team, which includes a licensed mental health clinician, is often available to respond to these situations.

How are individuals requiring permanent supportive housing selected? Does the City have a say in that process?

Supportive housing residents are selected through the county-level coordinated entry system. The coordinated entry system is a process designed to match people experiencing homelessness to housing types that meet their needs. In an environment of scarce resources (i.e. severe housing shortage), a main goal of coordinated entry is to prioritize housing and services for people who are highly vulnerable. The City has two navigators on staff who work with people experiencing homelessness to help get them on a countywide list. Elk Grove’s homeless residents have equal access to units countywide based on their assessed vulnerability. The City will not have the ability to select or recommend residents for these supportive housing units.

Is this Project for families or single adults?

It is illegal in California for landlords to discriminate based on familial status (i.e. presence of children in the household). Therefore, the project may have some families with children.

Will a property manager live on-site for the Project?

Yes. One of the units is set aside for the property manager.

Can the Project be shut down if it is not being maintained?

The City would be able to enforce compliance with its Municipal Code. The project could be shut down if it consistently failed to meet minimum habitability standards. For units that have Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8), a rigorous unit inspection is completed annually. Other investors in the Project also are likely to conduct annual inspections to ensure their investment is properly maintained.

What impact do these low-income housing projects have on the market value of homes that are located nearby?

The City has not seen a decrease in property values of homes near multifamily housing, including affordable housing.

Will this Project bring more traffic and congestion to the area?

Relatively few permanent supportive housing residents own cars, therefore the Project is not expected to result in increased traffic and congestion.

Does the Project allow for sufficient parking?

Assembly Bill 1763 (Gov. Code, section 65915) states that if the development is either a special needs housing development, or a supportive housing development, upon request of the developer, a city shall not impose any minimum vehicular parking requirements. Since the Project is supportive housing, the parking requirement is zero based on state law. The Project applicant is voluntarily providing 35 vehicle parking spaces.

Will this Project lead to increased loitering and panhandling?

It’s not likely. Residents typically spend most of their time in their own homes. The Project also includes on-site community spaces for residents to gather. Residents’ rents are set based on 30% of their income, which is often Social Security Disability, so they are left with some money for food, clothing, entertainment, etc. There has not been an increase in loitering or panhandling around other permanent supportive housing projects in the region.

How does SB 35 limit the authority of the City to review this Project?

Pursuant to SB 35, the City can only enforce the objective standards that are in in place at the time of the application submittal. Should the Project comply with the standards set forth in SB 35 and the objective standards of the Elk Grove Municipal Code, the Project must ministerially be reviewed. Compliance with subjective standards, such as neighborhood compatibility and architectural aesthetics, cannot be compelled under SB 35. No discretionary review is allowed if the Project complies with SB 35.

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Project Contact

Kyra Killingsworth
Planning Division, City of Elk Grove
Phone: (916) 478-3684

Media Contact

Kristyn Laurence
Public Affairs, City of Elk Grove
Phone: (916) 478-2206

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