The Daily Watch Summary (DWS) provides a daily log of arrests from the previous day.
These summaries are available for a short time to serve as a timely update for the community. Past logs are not archived or retained on the site, as the purpose of the DWS is to inform the public not to perpetuate mistakes or cause undue embarrassment. Summaries for arrests made Tuesday through Thursday are posted the next day, while those for Friday through Monday are published on Tuesday. If a holiday falls within this period, the summary(ies) will be posted on the next business day.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Time | Report # | Charges | Location | Suspect |
Night Watch | ||||
No arrests logged | ||||
Day Watch | ||||
0817 hours | 25-000960 | PC 243 (B) | 9300 block of E. Stockton Blvd. | Vasquez, Tammy (HFA, 56, Arrested) |
1104 hours | 25-000966 | Warrant | 8400 block of Laguna Palms Way | Johnson, Stacy (BMA, 28, Arrested) |
Evening Watch | ||||
2325 hours | 25-000979 | VC 23152 (A), 23152 (B) | Bradshaw Rd. / Silvergate Ln. | SanchezZalvizar, Ian (HMA, 29, Arrested) |
Friday, February 14, 2025
Time | Report # | Charges | Location | Suspect |
Night Watch | ||||
No arrests logged | ||||
Day Watch | ||||
1513 hours | 25-000991 | PC 29800 (A)(1), 30305 (A)(1), 25400 (C)(4), 25400 (A)(1), 25400 (A)(2), 25400 (A)(3), 25850 (C)(4), 25850 (C)(6), 148 (A)(1) | Calvine Rd. / Power Inn Rd. | Wright, Marceirious (BMA, 34, Arrested) |
Evening Watch | ||||
1644 hours | 25-000994 | PC 594 (A)(1) | 6400 block of Paseo Del Sol Way | Bock, Amanuel (BMA, 18, Arrested) |
1855 hours | 25-000997 | PC 243 (E)(1), 422 (A), 417 (A)(1) | Confidential | Bess, Aaron (BMA, 20, Arrested) |
2043 hours | 25-001000 | Warrant | E. Stockton Blvd. / Elk Grove Blvd. | Alexander, Rajanea (BFA, 28, Arrested) |
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Time | Report # | Charges | Location | Suspect | |
Night Watch | |||||
0110 hours | 25-001001 | VC 23152 (G) | E. Stockton Blvd. / Emerald Vista Dr. | Avila, Richard (HMA, 40, Arrested) | |
0451 hours | 25-001005 | PC 459, Warrant | 8500 block of Jordan Ranch Rd. | Magana, Fredy (HMA, 42, Arrested) | |
Day Watch | |||||
1109 hours | 25-001007 | HS 11350 (A), 11364 (A) | Promenade Pkwy / Lent Ranch Pkwy | Ramirez, Joseph (HMA, 37, Arrested) | |
Evening Watch | |||||
1752 hours | 25-001020 | VC 23152 (A), 23152 (B) | Waterman Rd. / Sheldon Rd. | Marler, Ronald (WMA, 67, Arrested) | |
2353 hours | 25-001026 | VC 23152 (A), 23152 (B) | 8100 block of Sheldon Rd. | Dabney, Antyone (BMA, 31, Arrested) |
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Time | Report # | Charges | Location | Suspect |
Night Watch | ||||
No arrests logged | ||||
Day Watch | ||||
1019 hours | 25-001031 | VC 23152 (A), 23152 (B) | Foulks Ranch Dr. / Laguna Park Dr. | Nagatani, Michael (WMA, 25, Arrested) |
Evening Watch | ||||
1746 hours | 25-001037 | VC 23103 (B) | 8100 block of Geneva Pointe Dr. | Qiam, Seduqulah (OMA, 18, Arrested) |
2005 hours | 25-001041 | Warrant | 8700 block of Minor Ct. | Moore, Aaronette (BFA, 54, Arrested) |
Monday, February 17, 2025
Time | Report # | Charges | Location | Suspect |
Night Watch | ||||
0055 hours | 25-001042 | PC 422 (A), 602 (O) | 100 block of Sky River Pkwy | Ly, Shing (AMA, 43, Arrested) |
Day Watch | ||||
1116 hours | 25-001048 | VC 10851 (A), PC 496 D(A), 1182 (A)(1) | 8500 block of Elk Grove Florin Rd. | Jackson, Clydell (BMA, 20, Arrested), Juvenile (BMJ, 17, Arrested) |
1239 hours | 25-001050 | HS 11360 (A), 11357 (B) | Sheldon Rd. / Lewis Stein Rd. | Cooper, Richard (WMA, 36, Arrested) |
1553 hourrs | 25-001053 | Warrant | 8000 block of W. Stockton Blvd. | Gipson, Elijah (BMA, 22, Arrested) |
Evening Watch | ||||
1717 hours | 25-001055 | PC 3056, Warrants | Elk Grove Florin Rd. / Carlisle Ave. | Carpenter, Gary (HMA, 28, Arrested) |
1906 hours | 25-001059 | PC 594 (A)(1), 148 (A)(1) | 9100 block of E. Stockton Blvd. | Hartman, Duane (WMA, 18, Arrested) |
Online Crime Alerts And Maps
The Elk Grove Police Department has partnered with LexisNexis® Community Crime Map to make crime statistics available to the public via the internet. The service is free to the general public, and allows members of the community to access statistical information that show locations of recent crimes and crime trends taking place in Elk Grove.
Members of the community can also register their email address with LexisNexis Community Crime Map in order to receive email alerts regarding reported crimes in specific areas or neighborhoods of interest to them. A description for the fields included in LexisNexis Community Crime Map are:
- Date: This is the date that the event was entered into the Police Department's Record Management system.
- Event Location: This is the 100th block address and intersection information. translates address data into block level data. This means that if an incident occurs at 8380 Laguna Palms Way, it will show up as 8300 block of Laguna Palms Way.
- Event Type: Type of crime reported. (Information concerning incidents involving sex crimes, domestic violence and other offenses set forth in Government Code 6254(f) are restricted and will not be displayed).
- Identifier: A report number automatically generated by the Police Department's Police Department's Record Management system.
The Elk Grove Police Department believes that LexisNexis will help members of the community understand what types of crimes that are occurring in their neighborhoods, as well as encourage residents to call the police when they see suspicious activity taking place.
Yearly Crime Statistics
In 2023, the Elk Grove Police Department reported crime statistics to the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) for the second consecutive year. NIBRS is the FBI’s crime reporting system that collects and reports crime data, and it is designed to provide a common language of crime classifications across the nation. NIBRS compiles a variety of crime classifications along with the different elements associated with the crime such as victimology, relationships, arrestee data and property involved. NIBRS has three categories for crime reporting which are Crimes Against Person, Crimes Against Property and Crimes Against Society.
Elk Grove saw an increase in Crimes Against Society which includes offenses such as drug violations, weapons law violations, and disorderly conduct. Further, certain criminal offenses such as trespassing or driving under the influence are only reported under the Crimes Against Society category when there is an arrest. The expansion of officers on patrol, in addition to the increase of proactive enforcement efforts such as vehicle stops, are contributing factors that correspond to the increase in the Crimes Against Society category in 2023.
Violent and Property Crime
2023 saw a 2% decrease in violent crime and 10% decrease in property crime.
Violent Crime
- Homicide
- Rape
- Robbery
- Aggravated Assault
Property Crime
- Arson
- Burglary
- Larceny Theft
- Motor Vehicle Theft
Types of Crime in 2023
Person Crimes
- Homicide
- Robbery
- Assault
Crimes Against Society
- Drug Violations
- Weapons Law Violations
- Disorderly Conduct
Property Crime
- Burglary
- Vehicle Theft
- Larceny
Crimes Against Society Violation Overview
Types of Crime 2022 vs 2023
2023 saw a 1% increase in person crimes, 68% increase in crimes against society and a 6% decrease in property crimes.