Elk Grove will open an Overnight Warming Location (OWL) beginning Tuesday, January 14, and operating nightly through Thursday, January 16 at the Wackford Community & Aquatic Complex (9014 Bruceville Road). Operating dates may be extended if similar conditions persist.
The OWL is open to adults 18 and older who lack shelter or adequate home heating. Operating hours will be 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. each day. A limited number of animal kennels will be available to house pets, if needed. Families with children will be referred to a motel voucher program.
Trained security professionals will staff the space. Organizers initiated the opening of the warming center because overnight temperatures have a significant probability of reaching 32 degrees or lower for three or more days in a row.
Visit elkgrovecity.org/extremeweather for more information about the program or to sign up to receive notifications whenever a warming center is scheduled to open.
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