Water Conservation Plan

Elk Grove is under a Stage 2 drought restriction. This means that there are restrictions on when people can use water and how much they can use. These restrictions are part of a community-wide conservation effort. To do our part, the City of Elk Grove and Cosumnes CSD, which manages the majority of the 100+ parks within the city including Elk Grove Regional Park and Emerald Lakes Golf Course, are reducing irrigation for parks and street landscaping by 20%.

While drought requirements allow for some increased flexibility in watering schedules for parks and streetscapes, we are focusing on meeting the 20% reduction goal by prioritizing water use based on safety, type of use, and the value of the asset. In general, trees and high-use recreational areas will be our watering priorities. 

With more than 1,000 acres of irrigated parks, streetscapes and trails in Elk Grove, here are some additional ways we’re conserving water while protecting vital park assets: 

  • Using state-of-the-art irrigation control systems that monitor the weather in real-time and make immediate changes to avoid over-watering.
  • Installing drip-irrigation, where possible. 
  • Irrigating with recycled water on 118 acres of the parks, streetscapes, and trails. 
  • Increasing mow height. Taller grass helps reduce water loss through evaporation, reduces soil erosion, and can better withstand dry weather.

Help protect our limited water supply by reporting broken sprinklers and leaks in parks or streetscapes to the Cosumnes CSD’s Park Maintenance Hotline at (916) 405-5688. Learn more at yourcsd.com/waterless

About Elk Grove's Water Supply

Some of Elk Grove’s main water sources include groundwater, local streams and reservoirs, and recycled water.


About 30% of California’s total annual water supply comes from groundwater in normal years, and up to 60% in drought years. Contrary to popular opinion, groundwater does not exist in underground lakes. Groundwater fills pores (spaces) between sand, gravel, silt, and clay in water-bearing formations known as aquifers. Groundwater is pumped through wells and recharged from 3 sources: rainfall, snowmelt, and stream seepage. Excessive withdrawal of aquifers is known as overdraft. 

Local Streams and Reservoirs

Many cities rely on local water projects for all or a portion of their supplies. These projects typically were built and are operated by local public water districts, county water departments, city water departments or other special districts. 

Recycled Water

Water recycling involves treating municipal wastewater to remove sediments and impurities for reuse. The major use for recycled water has been for crop and landscape irrigation. In May 2003 the Sacramento County Water Agency (SCWA), in partnership with the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (Regional San), developed a recycled water system that treats and delivers up to 5 million gallons per day of recycled water to the Elk Grove neighborhoods of Laguna West, Lakeside, Stonelake, East Franklin and Franklin Crossing. Specifically, recycled water is used to irrigate street medians, commercial landscaping, parks, and school sites. The rules and restrictions guiding the use of recycled water are different than those posed for potable water. Learn more about recycled water at Harvest Water - Regional San.