General Plan/Zoning Consistency Program

General Plan/Zoning Consistency Program


In implementation of the City's new General Plan, the City is making a series of amendments to its Zoning Code and other portions of the Municipal Code. The Zoning Consistency Program is intended to provide consistency between the Municipal Code and the General Plan.


Zoning is the regulation of land use and development standards (e.g., building setback and height, parking, landscaping, signage). To accomplish this, the Zoning Code divides the city into a series of zones, which are illustrated on the Zoning Map. The Municipal Code is the book of laws and regulations adopted by the City. In accordance with State law it must be consistent with the City's General Plan.

  • Upcoming and Previous Meetings

    • City Council hearing- July 28, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Materials coming soon

    • Planning Commission hearing- June 3, 2021 at 6:00 PM
    • View the Map Proposed Changes

      • There are four categories of changes, which are described in the table below. The specific sites proposed for rezoning and their corresponding category are available on theCategories Map. TheProposed Zoning Mapis also available for review. You can read more about why the proposed map changes are occurringon this site.
    Category Action Summary
    Category 1 This category broadly includes sites where the zoning is inconsistent with the General Plan. Examples include the area on Bond Road next to Pleasant Grove High School and between Waterman and Bradshaw south of Calvine, where the General Plan calls for Estate Residential (rather than Rural Residential) and the current zoning is an AR-5 or AR-2 zone (proposed change to AR-1). Generally, and as to differentiate it from the other categories, this category includes sites where further development or subdivision is possible pursuant to the General Plan.
    Category 2 Like Category 1, this category includes sites that are inconsistent with the General Plan but also where the existing zoning does not reflect the built condition. For example, the islands in Laguna West have General Plan designations of Low Density Residential but have zoning of RD-20. Based upon their built density the appropriate zoning under would be RD-6 and RD-7, based upon lot size. Further subdivision and development of the site, pursuant to the General Plan, is not possible.
    Category 3 Category 3 consists of one site in the Sheldon Town Center area. The site has a commercial General Plan designation and is proposed for rezoning from AR-5 to GC. It is within the Rural Commercial Combining Zone. This site was part of the initial phase rezonings in 2019 but was removed at the request of the property owner. The owner has subsequently consented to the rezoning.
    Category 4 This category consists of the General Plan amendments and rezones described in the previous section of this report.
    • Text Amendments

    • Revisions to the Zoning Code (and other portions of the Municipal Code) are also proposed for amendment and may be viewedon this site.


    The Zoning Consistency Program is occurring over three phases.
    1. Phase 1 was completed in spring 2019 immediately following adoption of the General Plan. This update included the creation of several new zoning districts, including the VCMU, RMU, Parks and Recreation, and Public Services. Comprehensive updates to several Special Planning Areas were also completed. This phase also included major rezonings (zoning map amendments) to align with the new General Plan and these new districts.
    2. Phase 2 was completed in late 2019 and focused on additional zoning text amendments. It was also an opportunity for the City to align the Zoning Code with recent State legislation regarding accessory dwelling units and density bonus.
    3. Phase 3 will focus on remaining zoning map revisions. This effort is occurring in spring 2021.

    Contact Information

    Zoning Consistency Program

    Planner on Duty


    Director of Strategic Planning and Innovation

    Christopher Jordan, AICP
